Friday, July 16, 2010

The fair is opening

The 2010 Jasper County Fair is getting ready to start. An hour ago I went out to see what was happening. Going in the south entrance I saw a sign announcing progress--there is now WiFi out there, so people who camp can read this blog during fair week.
Only a few people were setting up their booths in the commercial pavilion.
The carnival rides were being assembled. It looked like Jasper County might have a tea party this summer.
The Ferris Wheel will be a bit different this year--the riders will have to hang on. (That is meant as a joke.)

It is good to see an ATM machine there. It would be a tragedy if people ran out of money. And I really like some of the lettering on food stand-- the "fresh squeezed lemonade" and the "ice cold drinks."
The 4Hers were getting ready to judge dogs. I talked to a girl who was waiting with her dog and she said she had spent the day there. I am not sure why she had to be there at 7:30 if the judging was not until the afternoon. Anyway, this is one of those events that you miss if you do not get to the fairgrounds before the fair officially opens.
As I was leaving I met an old firetruck on the way to the Retired Iron shelter.
Last year I had many posts from the fair (here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here). I have no plans for this year--we will see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. Next year you should attend the dog is held the Friday before the fair opens. These kids and dogs have worked hard to be ready to show the results of obedience training and showmanship and they are pretty amazing. The kids have to be there by 7:30 to make sure they and their dogs are ready when judging starts at 9:00. Your picture indicates that you were there as the show was ending in the afternoon...they are taking down the rings.


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