Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fun at the fair

The Retired Iron guys seem to have a lot of fun at the fair. On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings they had parades, and the parades took different routes. On Wednesday the tractors went past the free stage area, and people behind this tractor were tossing candy, which makes it a real parade for the kids.
On Tuesday they came back on the road behind the Midway. The dragon roller-coaster is a fave with the young kids. If you look carefully, you might even see a couple holding up their hands. I believe tonight is the last night for the carny rides.
Just in case you thought I was showing you an isolated tractor and making up the stuff about a parade, here is a picture of the last part of Tuesday's line of tractors. Click on it to get a better view.
And now for something completely different. I had no idea what the purpose of this contraption was until I saw kids in it. It is a bungie jumper. The kids jump on the trampoline-like cushions, but the bungie cords are what give their jumps height. One of them is even doing some flips in the air. It looks like a lot of fun, but it does cost $7.00.

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