Sunday, July 11, 2010

The old steeple cross memorial

Earlier this year Sacred Heart Church in Remington added a historical monument next to the church, the cross that had originally been atop its steeple until it was damaged by a hailstorm on Good Friday of 2006. After the storm the old cross was replaced with a new one and the old one was discarded. In 2009 a parishioner refurbished it and a high school student, Tyler Faker, set about to create the little display area in which the the cross now stands. He arranged for the concrete pour, a post-structure on which to mount the old cross, and the fence as part of a project for an Eagle Scout project.
The story of the monument was published on March 28, 2010 in The Catholic Moment, the newspaper for the diocese of Lafayette.

At the base are two plaques with the basic information about the cross, which looks a lot smaller when it is on the steeple than when it is at ground level.

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