Monday, August 16, 2010

Care Center Open House

On Saturday the Rensselaer Care Center had an open house and I stopped by to see what they were doing. They had an inflatable out in front that no one was using when I arrived, and a tent with tables under it.
I entered the building, wandered around the building a bit, and asked a few questions. They have a capacity of a bit over 150 and a current census of 110. Most of the wings in this building that I find an undecipherable maze are for long-term care, but one wing is for rehabilitation, that is, for people who are between the hospital and home. I believe the picture below is from that rehabilitation wing showing a vacant room.
They have in the past two years redone the hallways and some of the dining halls. They will be redoing some of the therapy rooms soon.
They expected between 300 and 400 guests based on what they got last year. I assume that this is a yearly event. If it is and they want some free advice, I suggest that they get an effective greeter who would welcome people, explain to them the purpose of the event, answer any questions, and tell them what could see and do.

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