Wednesday, August 4, 2010

National Night Out--Rensselaer Edition

The National Night Out event on August 3 was smaller this year than it has been in the past. The publicity was poor--I did not see anything about it until a few days before the event and I was looking for it.
This year the helicopter did not show--it apparently ran into bad weather along its route. A lot of people enjoyed the free admittance to the pool--the park probably should have a few more of those free times. I found several people I knew and had interesting conversations. Some lucky kids won free bikes. And the firemen and the police seemed to enjoy a gigantic water fight.

Here was last year's post on the event.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm...didn't even know it was going on. I saw no advertisements for it at all. To bad, looked like fun.


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