Thursday, September 9, 2010

Will they ever leave? (Updated)

A week ago I noticed a large flock of geese in the addition to Weston Cemetery. The picture below shows only part of the flock.
The young geese are grown and ready to head south. But will they leave, or will they stick around all winter?

The sparrows have also completed rearing their young. I can tell because there are now a great many more roosting in my back yard and in the vines on my house. I keep trying to send them the message that I do not want them roosting in the vines on my house, but they seem not to get the message.

Update: By coincidence, I found the largest gathering of geese I have seen in a long time this morning after this post appeared. There were hundreds of them on a pond near the intersection of Moody Road (CR 150S) and CR 20E.
And I also saw a crane out there.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps your messages to the sparrows are too subtle...


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