Tuesday, October 12, 2010

SJC homecoming 2010: SJC beats Notre Dame

The past weekend was Homecoming weekend at Saint Joseph's College. The featured event of most homecomings is the football game, and SJC routed Notre Dame. Unfortunately, it was not the Notre Dame from South Bend but a Notre Dame College from Ohio.
Earlier in the day there was a 5K run. I got there in time to take a picture of the awards ceremony. I heard from an alumna in the afternoon who had walked the course that the course was not well marked and most people cut part of it, so times were pretty fast.
Another important part of the day is the beer and brat tent where alums socialize. There was a good crowd. Also popular was a tent of activities for the kids, plus a big inflatable and a climbing wall.

The marching band performed at halftime, but it only did one number in which the band members were moving around, changing formations. Maybe it was too hot to do more--the weather was unseasonably warm. They sounded good, though.

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