Tuesday, December 28, 2010

They've been working on the railroad

There has been construction equipment parked by the Amtrak station for the past week, and this morning it was being used.
I asked what they were doing, and was told that a new platform was being constructed. There were two guys in the old Amshack who looked like they were dismantling it. The guy I talked to said they were moving it for now and that it might be replaced.
I will check back in a few days and see how this project is progressing.

Speaking of railroad improvements, the one that is most needed is a new crossing on McKinley.

1 comment:

  1. I see they moved the tiny depot. The old one was so important. My daughter came in recently from Chicago to Rensselaer, and I was surprise that several people got off, and about eight folks got on and headed south. She said it was quite comfortable to ride.


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