Saturday, January 15, 2011

New acquisition

I stopped by the Jasper County Historical Society Museum today and saw a new acquisition sitting on a table. The new county assessor--one of the new county officials who took office this January--found the campaign poster below while cleaning out the office, and rather than throw it away, decided it might be something that the Historical Society might be find interesting.
Neither of the ladies at the museum remembered Elizabeth Merritt. The picture on the poster suggests that this might be from the 1940s or 1950s. Does anyone reading this remember this lady? Please leave a comment if you can provide some history.

The Museum still has the "Childhood Toys" exhibit, and it has grown larger each time I have stopped by. There will be another exhibit soon, but they need to figure out what that exhibit will be before they can put it together.

By the way, if you are cleaning closets or attics and you find old pictures, advertisements, phone books, yearbooks, maps, or anything else that is related to the history of the area, before you throw the items into the trash, consider giving them to the Museum. They may throw them in the trash if they think they have no value, but some of those old things are worth preserving and other people would like to see them.


  1. You are correct. The museum is a good place to give items or to loan items of interest to the Jasper County community.

  2. I remember when Elizabeth Merritt was County Assessor and I spoke with her several times in the 1850s. She lived on S. Melville St. (if I remember right) not far from our house. She is buried in Weston Cemetery

  3. Oops... in my earlier comment I meant 1950s not 1850s


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