Sunday, January 2, 2011

Stained Glass--Sacred Heart in Remington

In September I took pictures of the interior of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Remington, and just have not gotten around to posting them. The church was built in 1900, back when stained glass windows and other elaborate decorations were considered to be more important than they are today.

The stained glass starts at the entrance. The photo below is from the entry way (or narthex) looking back to the front door.
Entering the church proper (nave), you pass under the window, which is slightly out of focus in the photo.
Sacred Heart is neo-gothic, as this view from the choir loft indicates. My guess is that when it was orginally built, the walls were not plain white as they are now. That look became popular in the 1960s.
Below is a view of the church from the steps to the altar. There is a rose windows in the bell tower that is not visible at all from inside the church.
Because it has been so long since I took the pictures, I do not remember exactly what some of them show. I think this window was one that was up in the choir loft. The motif in these windows is repeated in many of the other windows.
I think this windows was one of the two windows in the front facade of the church that you can see in the choir loft.
There are two windows high above the sacristy. One is of Mary.
The other is of Jesus. Both feature the Sacred Heart, which fits this church. Many of the windows prominently display the name of the donor or donors who made the window possible.

I intended this post  to include the twelve windows that line the nave in this post, but I had moving adventures today that ate up most of the day. Maybe next Sunday.


  1. I have wanted to see the inside of this church for years. Thank you. It is a lovely and quiet sanctuary setting.

  2. Thank you for taking these pictures and for posting them online. A beautiful church !


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