Sunday, January 9, 2011

Stained Glass--Sacred Heart in Remington (part 2)

Last Sunday I started but did not finish a look at the stained glass windows in Remington's Sacred Heart Catholic Church. I did not get to the windows that line the main part of the church. Four of those windows have scenes or people illustrated on them. The one below is obviously St. Joseph holding the young Jesus. You can also see two of the stations of the cross in this picture. In older churches these fourteen statues are often quite detailed. Modern versions tend to be abstract and simplified.
You probably noticed that the names of the donors of the windows are prominently inscribed in the windows.

I am not sure to whom Jesus is appearing the window below.
The window below is probably of St Dominic because he is supposedly the person who introduced the rosary.  St. Mary's in Beaverville has a window with the same theme.
My guess is that this is St. John the Evangelist.
The Catholic Order of Foresters is still around, but now seems to be not a social organization but merely an insurance group. It began as a way of providing burial insurance to poor immigrants. (It is interesting how some organizations that had very modest beginnings or which were initially set up as charitable organizations eventually grew into large business or purely commercial organizations. Savings and loans, credit unions, and hospitals are examples.)

The other eight windows are simpler and feature patterns and symbols. I took pictures of four of them.  Grapes and wheat symbolize the bread and wine of the Eucharist.
The window below has the ark and the keys to the kingdom. I do not know why they are together, but I am sure there is a reason.
The window shows the headgear of bishops and the pope, but I am not sure why.

My guess is that these windows that are more abstract were much cheaper than the windows with scenes of people, and that the little parish could only afford to purchase four of the more expensive windows.
I cannot make out the picture on the left, but the right is the lamb of God, which symbolizes Jesus.
I am sorry I do not know more. Perhaps if a member of Sacred Heart reads this, he or she can give a fuller explanation of the windows.

(The day may eventually come when all of this information is available on the Internet. However, it takes time and dedication to get put together.  Until then, places like this blog will try to fill the void.)

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