Thursday, February 17, 2011

Platform Update

In the past week there have been major changes in the appearance of the Amtrak platform that is under construction at the end of Beam Place. Below is what the site looked like about a week ago. I did not know it at the time, but the area covered with the orange and black plastic was about to become a ramp up the the platform.
Early this week there was a concrete pour putting in that ramp up to the platform.
Yesterday when I stopped by they were getting ready for more concrete. This area may be for parking--just a guess.
I was not prepared for how different the site looked today. The Amshak had been moved to from its temporary position close to the Cullen Street crossing and light poles were up. There was also a little metal structure at the west end of the platform.
The Rensselaer sign had been up the previous day.
It looks like this portion of the platform will be ready for use next week. However, I do not think they are close to finished here. There is a long stretch of disturbed soil extending from the end of the platform to where the Amshak had been, and the abrupt end of the platform cannot be the way it will be left.
The concrete slab that held the Amshak for about two months had been broken up. (Notice the mud. A lot of snow melted today. I hope you enjoyed the spring-like weather today as much as I did.)
There were still lots of unused construction materials, including lots of rebar waiting to be used.

Update: As of Saturday (and probably sometime on Friday) the platform is open. The little metal building at the end has a sign that says "Wheel chair lift." Perhaps some kind of lift will be stored there. The platform has temporary wooden guard rails (you can see them in some of the pictures above), and the shelter building is closed, with cross beams inside that look like they are supporting the structure. Perhaps it was damaged in the move.

And for another example of your stimulus dollars at work, see here.


  1. Glad you covered this...we drove by today, and I figured you were probably there taking pix!

  2. Derrick James-Amtrak Government AffairsMarch 2, 2011 at 4:40 PM

    ATR means Above-Top-Of-Rail. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) is charged with insuring the nation's passenger train network accommodates the disabled. Passenger train platforms must be 8" ATR to ease boarding by mobility challenged passengers. The yellow bumped strips are called tactile edges to prevent the visually impaired from walking off the platform edge. The brown building will contain a wheelchair lift.


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