Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fleming plaque

I thought I had seen most of the plaques around Rensselaer, but last week I stumbled on one that I had not previously noticed.
It is in the little triangle of land at the intersection of Parks and Fleming.

This little bit of land does not seem to be a park. What city department is in charge of maintaining it? And who was Charles Fleming?


  1. Brief history of Charles Wesley Fleming that I found in 1985History of Jasper County Book.

    Charles was born Dec 7, 1978 in Brook. Married Anna Lyons and they had seven children.

    They lived on a farm near Brook where they raised Cattle for a while. Sold farm and moved to a farm NE if Rensselaer. He slowly accumulated other farms.

    In 1938 they lived on Emmett St, later on Home AV and finally in a brick home beside the Iroquois River at 327 S Park AV.

    Charles served as County Councilman. He also built houses and eventually developed the Fleming Additionon the south side of Rensselaer. On of the streets was named Fleming Blvd in honor of him.

  2. The little triangles of land of which there are, I believe four in the Fleming neighborhood, are considered part of the Rensselaer Park System. They are mowed and maintained by the city.

  3. I grew up on Fleming Blvd and played ball w/neighborhood kids in "the circle" as we called it--didn't know shapes, I guess. One year the guys had an Indy 500 around it on their bikes. (This was a very long time ago.) For a time this area where Charlie Fleming built houses was called the "new addition."

  4. We have lived on Fleming Blvd for 35 years, the small park on the curve has been called the "The Banana" by the neighboring kids for years due to the shape


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