Monday, April 18, 2011

Normal April weather

We had normal April weather this past weekend, and it messed up some events. The Earth Day festivities went on as planned on Saturday morning, but it was raining and cold and the attendance seemed to be a little off. I was planning to go back before noon and take a closer look at the exhibits, but never got around to it. I did pick up a plant, a Spotted Joe Pye Weed, and if I do not kill it, I will see what the flower looks like next year. I have been wondering what the plant looks like since last spring.
I left Brookside Park to see what the Walmart Easter egg hunt looked like, but when I got to Walmart, there were no kids. I assume that the event was postponed. The Little 500 race at SJC was also postponed, running on Sunday rather than Saturday.
There were a lot of go-karts in the race, but the crowd was sparse, with few students and even fewer alumni. I saw something I never expected to see--an empty Little 500 beer area. (Was that because it was Sunday?)
It's April--we should not be surprised to have events rained out.

I assume that the high school play was unaffected by the weather, but I never got to it even though it ran for four days. How was it?

I often feel that I know very little about what is going on in Rensselaer, but today I discovered that I am not alone. I noticed a poster a week ago for a Free Hog Roast at the Rensselaer VFW Post on Sunday, May 1 at 1:00 CST. In addition to the hog roast, there will be a Red Cross blood mobile, a D.J., kid's games, a kid's bounce house, and more. Today I saw a sign for the Rensselaer Volunteer Fire Department's Pork Chop Dinner, which will include a pork chop, vegetable, salad, roll, desert (I think they meant dessert) and more. It is also scheduled for May 1, from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 pm at the fire station. I know it is easy for those conflicts to happen because even in a town as small as Rensselaer, there are a lot of groups and one group often does not know what another group is planning.

Addendum: Don't forget to mail your taxes today if you have not done so already.


  1. Thank you for the news. I did not see these things in today's paper.

  2. Wazzamatter with WRIN or wlqi? isn't there any info there? Why not??


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