Wednesday, April 27, 2011

River rising (updated)

The Iroquois River is now above flood stage and may be setting a record for the date. Of course it is nowhere near serious flood conditions.

There is a river float scheduled for May 7. With more rain in the forecast for the next week, I wonder if the river will be suitable for that event. Right now getting under some of the bridges without capsizing would be a challenge.
Weston Lake has reappeared. There are fish spawning in it, and there are lots of frogs along the shore.
Speaking of frogs, either frogs or toads found the vernal pool in the wet lands by the high school attractive.

Update: The river has continued to rise, and this afternoon here is what the flow under the Washngton Street Bridge looked like:

Can you see any difference from the first picture?

Some of the low-lying roads near the river, such as those in Weston Cemetery, are now under water.

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