Friday, April 8, 2011

Sprouting signs (Updated)

This morning I noticed signs sprouting for the upcoming city elections. I knew that Mayor Arihood was seeking re-election.
Now I know that Steve Reames is trying to unseat him. I thought there was a third candidate in the race. If so, I have not seen his or her signs yet.
I also noticed a "sold" sign in a downtown building. It is good to see at least one of the many buildings for sale downtown has found a buyer. I should have stopped in and found out what was happening, but did not. Maybe someone will fill in the blanks with a comment.
It might be fun to attend the free lunch program that recently started, but I am not the target audience (even though it says "all welcome". It has been a bit slow, according to what I hear, getting started, with more volunteer workers than customers.
Walmart has sprouting plants for sale. I was surprised to see fairly large tomatoes among the plants. We are not past the danger of frost and will not be for a few weeks, so it is a bit early to plant tomatoes.
Walls have sprouted on the house under construction at the corner of Susan and Weston,
There are a lot of things happening in the next couple of weeks. The play at SJC finishes this weekend--I will not see it in time to give you a review. Also this weekend, a rummage sale, a chance to get rid of obsolete electronic products, some dinners (Boys Scouts/Rotary for one), and probably a bunch of other events. It is quite a contrast to the lack of events that we had in January and February.

Update: This afternoon (Saturday) I found a sign for the third mayoral candidate, Rick Williams:

1 comment:

  1. Here's an idea. Why don't you interview the candidates for Mayor? And let them know that you will be posting the interviews on Rensselaer Adventures? That would inform the citizens (the computer literate ones) of the candidates' view of the state of the city... or so it seems to me. Would probably bring you more readers, too. Wha'd'ya think?


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