Saturday, June 4, 2011

Another storm

The storms just keep coming. We had the power flicker off and on three times as the storm approached, and there were a number of trees and large branches down. The one that impressed me the most was the one in my front yard. As the storm passed, a neighbor got his chain saw out and cut it up so it would not block the street. With other neighbors we dragged it to the curb. I saw on Facebook that the Fair Oaks Farms Fondue Festival, which was scheduled for today and tomorrow, will not be held tomorrow because of the storm. They had a picture of a collapsed tent. I also saw a report that there may have been another small tornado with the storm, north of Rensselaer. Damage from the storm is widespread in the area, and some towns seem to have been hit worse than Rensselaer.

As I was looking around the area to see how much damage the storm had done, I discovered that work has begun on the Talbert Bridge railing. The rail for the main span looks mostly done, but the rail for the approaches still needs to be put up. Maybe, just maybe, the bridge will open next week.

Update: The National Weather service details the damage from the storm. It was especially damaging in Lake into northern Jasper County.

Update 2: The town of Brookston was without power for three days as a result of the storm. Some residents in northern Jasper County also had power outages measured in days rather than hours.

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