Monday, August 22, 2011


I see by Facebook that Jamie's Cafe and Banquets has closed. Sorry to see it go. They never did get many fans for their Facebook page.

Bazz's Eat-N-Sip was for sale a few months ago and I think it has also closed. (The Roller Rink remains open.) Is the north side not a good place for restaurants?

Correction: Bazz's Eat-N-Sip has not closed. See the comments.


  1. I don't think Bazz's has closed.

  2. Bazz's was closed a day to clean and have new carpet installed. Still the best tater salad and slaw in the county!

  3. I am at Bazz's with Wanda and Ruth right now and can assure you that they are not closed. Please check your facts before you blog.

  4. Geeze Burt, Be nice. He made a mistake. He's only human.


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