Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Jasper County Fall Festival

Rensselaer had two festivals last weekend. While the Little Cousin Jasper Festival was going on around the Court House, the Jasper County Fall Festival was taking place at the Jasper County Fairgrounds. This festival was started a few years ago when the Little Cousin Jasper Festival ceased. Then the LCJF was revived, and we ended with two on the same weekend.

New this year to the JCFF were carnival rides. When I visited on Saturday afternoon, only a few of the rides were going, and those had one rider. Perhaps things picked up a bit later. The ride operator was not the same one that provides rides for the Jasper County Fair. It was Anderson Amusements from Asonia, Ohio. I like the geometry of this ride shown below.
I think there were more exhibitors at the JCFF than at the LCJF. The main exhibit hall was full, as was the roofed commercial shelter to its south. This machine, part of an exhibit for geothermal heating and cooling, was to the south of all of them. Although there were more exhibitors, I think there were fewer people, though it is hard to compare because the spaces are so different.
The Rensselaer quilters had a striking display in the east wing of the main exhibit hall. The quilters were also doing demonstrations throughout the day.
The LCJF had much more scheduled entertainment in the form of singing and dancing groups than the JCFF, but the JCFF had a lot of events for people to participate in. Both festivals had kiddie tractor pulls. This one was in the Retired Iron building.
While I was there, a corn hole tournament was underway in the show arena. The people throwing the bags were a lot better than my family members when we play the game. The most intriguing competition was a women's skillet toss on Sunday. I did not get to that one.

I never did see the shuttle bus that was supposed to take people between the festivals on Saturday. I thought it unfortunate that both festivals scheduled their prime attractions at the same time, on Saturday evening. I do not know what the future holds for these two festivals, but I do not think that what they are doing now is working. I hope they can either reschedule one so they do not conflict, or if they keep them scheduled on the same weekend, they can harmonize the schedules better.

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