Wednesday, September 14, 2011

LCJF entertainment

One of the draws of the Little Cousin Jasper Festival is the array of entertainment acts that the organizers schedule. I caught parts of a number of them. On Saturday there was a group of cloggers. Until recently there was a local clogging group, but I heard that they disbanded. Some of the former members joined with a group from Chesterton, and I think it was this group that performed. They were the Sunshine Cloggers.
The Rensselaer's Got Talent competition had a big audience. The group of dancers from the First Assembly of God shown below won the competition.
The number of acts has declined since the Rensselaer's Got Talent show started several years ago, and now most of the acts are kids.

The headliner for the event was Amanda Overmyer, who was a finalist on American Idol a few years back. She sang for about an hour on Saturday evening to a large crowd. People seemed to enjoy the event. Many listened to her sing, while others visited with friends and kids were throwing some kind of lighted toy into the air.
After her performance, Ms Overmyer signed autographs and sold CDs. She seemed very comfortable in the routine.
The festival was much smaller on Sunday, but that did not dampen the enthusiasm of a Sheltered Reality, a percussion group from Frankfort. In one of their numbers the kids bounced balls on the drums as part of the act.
The group also got a lot of audience participation, as when they did the YMCA song.
The last group to perform on Sunday was the Commmity Band, which played a number of marches and patriotic songs. They deserved a larger audience than they got, but by the time they were on stage most of the vendors were taking down their tents and packing up.
The organizers again did an excellent job of having almost continuous entertainment.

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