Sunday, October 30, 2011

Reaching for the Heavens on a Sunday afternoon

I got a tip this afternoon (Thanks, Sheila!) that there was a man at heights on the Court House. I was able to get there before he finished climbing down the flagpole.
You might notice a large ball hanging from the man, who is a professional flag pole climber. It is the ball that was on top of the flagpole. This man was hired to take down the ball, fix it so the flag chain worked properly, and then put it back.

After he got down he disappeared into the Court House. There is a small door on the roof that provides access. I waited a while, than went home for half an hour. When I came back, he was climbing back up. Below he is placing the ball back on the top of the flag pole.
Below you can see what this looked like in perspective. You can hardly tell that there is a man up on the flagpole. By the way, the wind was blowing briskly at ground level, so it must have been quite strong on the flagpole.
You may wonder how a person climbs a flag pole. It looked a lot like the way that people ascend a rope using the sit-stand method. I have never done it, but Desert Survivor is very good at it.
I left before they got the flag up, and on the way home I noticed that the sign on Tucker Realty was being taken down.
I stopped and saw Deanna, the owner of Tucker, and asked what was happening. She has closed Tucker and is now working for Jenkins.

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