Monday, October 10, 2011

Some changes in the west

The tennis courts at Brookside Park have been refurbished, with new surface and new paint.
The Talbert Bridge has an official name and a don't-sue-us-if-you-do-something-stupid sign.
One too many drivers in Weston Cemetery did something stupid, so there is now a guard rail at the southeastern bend of the cemetery road. A few days before this rail was installed, there were tire track leading down into the river. What is unusual is that the rail looks like it has always been there.
The trees in Weston Cemetery were at peak color over the weekend, probably because there are a lot of hickory and ash which turn early. When I first started this blog I had many posts on autumn trees, so again this year I will skip that topic. The same holds for Halloween decorations unless I see something truly spectacular or weird.

1 comment:

  1. "The same holds for Halloween decorations unless I see something truly spectacular or weird. " Sounds like a challenge...


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