Thursday, December 1, 2011


I stopped by the library today and noticed that there was construction (or demolition?) in the entry way and bathrooms.
Some of the tiles had buckled, and they tried to get estimates on replacing the bad tiles, only to be told by multiple contractors that they could not fix the problem area, and that the only way to get it fixed was to replace the entire area.

My home repairs are often like that. What on surface seems like it should be a small task often ends up being much more involved that anticipated, and that is why I hate home repairs.

I have not been posting much this week and do not be surprised if the light posting continues for a while. It is a combination of not much happening in my world and a desire to focus on some other things. A year ago I felt bad when I missed a day. Now I do not.

What happened to November? It sure went by quickly.


  1. I for one love your posts. I learn more about this town through your blog then anywhere else!

  2. If you happen to be in the area and are interested in stopping by, Remington is getting a new building right on highway 24. I think it is a Dollar General. They are in the middle of construction right now.


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