Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dredging on a sunny afternoon

This afternoon a big machine arrived at Brookside Park so I went over to see what it was doing.
It was cleaning out mud from Brookside Creek. When workers cut down trees and removed the undergrowth from the west side of the creek just north of Bunkum Road about a year ago, I wondered why they were doing that. It seems they were planning ahead.

Are you enjoying our wonderful weather? There are kids playing on the playground equipment in the park. The temperatures may be spring-like, but the fields are still barren. The picture below was taken today just north of Rensselaer.
Days are getting a little longer. It is not completely dark at 5:00.


  1. Are you taking snow photographs today?

  2. That is a neat photo of the big machine. I did not know there was a Brookside Creek.


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