Thursday, January 5, 2012

A slow start to the year

I have not posted much lately because I have not seen a lot going on.

Today I discovered a bus stop behind city hall.
The stuff floating in the schoolhouse ditch east of Melville Street is not ice. It is sheets of insulation from the construction of the new elementary school. I suspect much of it blew in over the weekend when we had very strong winds.
 I tried to get some pictures showing how much of the back now has its brick facing, but the photos did not turn out well. I suspect that construction is significantly behind schedule--January is not a good month for doing exterior masonry.

The floor tiling in the entrance to the library appears to be completed. There still is some repair work needed on the walls.
Update: The library has started the new year with a new look to its website.

Work on the power line project has resumed. There have been poles positioned along Cullen for about a week and today the first of them was put up next to the city gas department. I thought I could get some action shots, but after they raised the pole to the extent that you can see in the picture below, they set it down again. Apparently something was not quite right. I had other things to do so I left, but later in the day I passed by again and the pole was up and the lines that are on the front-most pole in the picture below had been transferred to the new pole.
I see from Facebook that the Sister Act hair salon that is on Drexel Parkway will be closing at the end of the month.

What else is happening?


  1. Why is there a bus stop behind city hall? I wonder if it was free for the taking from another city?

  2. I bet it is for people who smoke. They can't smoke in a city building. It looks like it is bolted to the ground too. Do you think it is heated?


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