Saturday, February 11, 2012

Where was I?

This should be easy. Where was I?
Are they looking out for the locomotive?
 The grumpy old man in me wants to say, "Get your hands off, you rotten little kids."

If you said I was in Elkhart...
you were wrong.

A post from Desert Survivor (a blog featured on the sidebar) had more pictures from this location a week or so ago.

(I have a link to a blog about living in Nevada because there is both a Rensselaer and personal connection. Most people reading this probably realize that Desert Survivor is my daughter. And that also helps understand why I post with the name Dessert Survivor. It is not a typo or a misspelling--it is a joke. I started blogging after my daughter began, and I needed a name. I had no good ideas so I just added an S to her name because I thought it was funny--there is no other significance to it. There is a blog called, and both she and I can post to it, but it has been inactive for over two years. She established it so if people misspelled "desert," they could find their way to her blog.)


  1. Thomas absolutely LOVES the Whistle Stop. :) Me too!!

  2. A year and a half ago, we travelled to Denver for a wedding. I was cracking up because we had the chance to visit with Desert Survivor and Desert Boy. Desert Girl was just a little tike at the time. Whenever I see them in your posts, I don't know them by their real names, but just Desert Boy and Desert Girl. I know they have real names, but I prefer Desert Boy and Girl.

    I like to read both your blogs and see parallels in your interests.

  3. The Whistle Stop has the most fascinating collection of railroad dining car china. The restaurant gets a thumbs up, too!


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