Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A last look at a fountain-updated

Below you see one of the last pictures taken of the the reflecting pond in front of Halleck Center.
Moments after I took the picture above, the machine below showed up.
It began the demolition of the reflecting pond.
The plan is to replace it with a brick patio type surface. I cannot say I am sorry to see it go. It was bland--it just was not an attractive or interesting fountain.

I remember one year when someone had the bright idea to put some of the golden carp from the big pond at the entrance into this little pond. Within a week the bottom was full of unsightly carp crap which the light blue bottom highlighted.

The other interesting thing I noticed this morning was work on the path or sidewalk to the bridge in Bicentennial Park.

Update: Below is the results of the first afternoon of demolition.
Also, this morning the concrete was poured for the sidewalk from West Washington to the Talbert Bridge.


  1. It might have been a totally boring fountain but it was a great "hazard" for the urban golf course that Andy and I used to play.

  2. I will miss the fountain. It was beautiful especially in the winter when the ice would freeze. In my high school days it was a great place to ice skate in the winter time. I always wished that would have put some color lights in the fountain during the summer time and have some nice music playing at night. Sorry to see this St. Joe landmark leave us.

  3. The fountain being torn out is not the fountain in the reflecting pool by the chapel. It is the small, mostly unused fountain by Halleck. I doubt that anyone ever skated on it--I believe it was always drained in the winter.

  4. Didn't even realize there was a small fountain by the Halleck center. I'm so happy that I was wrong. Thanks for getting me back on the correct path.


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