Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Racers Trade Show and Swap Meet

I visited the Fairgrounds on Saturday because the 8th Annual Racers Trade Show and Swap Meet seemed like ti might have something of interest for this blog. It was chilly and windy, and by the time I got there, people seemed to be getting ready to leave.
There were several people with stuff to sell (or trade?) outside the buildings. They looked cold.
Last week the Rensselaer Republican had an article about the show and the days in which the Fairgrounds would have weekend races on a one-third-mile dirt track. The Rensselaer Speedway was open from 1953 until 1987. I never went to a race, but I do remember that on the weekends (I do not recall if it was Saturday or Sunday) we could hear the noise from the racetrack. The article did not say why the speedway closed in 1987, and I do not know.

(Newton County has or had a drag strip north of Morocco. Is it still operating?)

I did not go into the show proper--the $5.00 admission price was too much for someone who has little interest in racing (I did not say no interest) and would not have bought anything.

Instead I turned my attention to the recently completed or almost completed sewer project that I had totally missed. The extent of the sewer digging was obvious--they had moved a lot of dirt.
There was even more dirt disturbed along what is the midway during fair week, and into the grandstand area. However, if the grass grows as it should, most people who attend the fair in July will probably not notice that anything was done.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure it was closed because of insurance costs.


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