Wednesday, April 25, 2012

City Auction

The city held an auction today, and unlike two years ago, I was able to attend. I noticed these electric motors and recognized them immediately. If you are a faithful reader of this blog, you should also recognize them.
They sold for $400 each. I wonder what they will be used for.

There are always many bicycles at the city auction. Most needed some repair work. They went from as low as $2.50 for a couple that were scrap-yard ready to $40 or $50 for the nicer ones.
One person bought all these huge lights for $10 each. I suppose that is a great deal, but how many people need lights like this?
There were a lot of odds and ends that seemed to have limited uses, but of course if you are one of the people who needs the item, it can be a great deal.

There were a lot of old computers for sale. I put in some low-ball bids because I wanted only the hard drive from one, but the lowest they sold for was $7.50. They had a Pentium 4 processor and were Windows XP ready.
The city auction does not seem to be an annual event. I do not remember one from last year, though maybe I missed it. There was one in 2010.


  1. I wish I had gone to look at the bikes. I think I might like to ride again, but I am not sure.

  2. I too regret not going for the computer stuff, I probably would of bought them all. I wonder if they still have some of them that I might be able to purchase.


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