Thursday, May 31, 2012

Last recess--ever

School will be out for the summer in an hour. For Monnett School, today was the last day. Here are two pictures of kids enjoying their last recess (actually lunch break) at Monnett. Next year when school restarts, these playgrounds will be quiet.
Some of the kids are wearing jackets. Weather sure changes from week to week.
While I was out of town, there was an accident at the Cullen Street railroad crossing. The debris has been cleaned up, but there was damage to the platform rail, one light post, and one of the posts that held up a sign that identified the station as Rensselaer. Fortunately it should have no effect on Amtrak operations--all the passenger boarding and deboarding happens at the other end of the platform.
A lot of progress has been made on the bridge that will connect Austin Park to the city parking lot. This is a much bigger (and undoubtedly much more expensive) project than the Talbert Bridge project. Hopefully it will also be much quicker.
I first thought that this sign on College near the bridge was for the Austin Park project, but after I saw the bottom part, which is not on the other side, I decided it was probably for work on the water treatment plant.

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