Saturday, July 28, 2012

Final pictures from the county fair

The county fair closed a week ago, but I still have unused pictures. On Thursday night I caught a bit of the showmanship for pigs competitions. When the little kids were in charge, the pigs sometimes did not respect their authority.
Also on Thursday, there was a large chess set in the community building that was completely made of Legos, including the board. The set was motorized and remote controlled. I do not know if people actually played games using it, but if they did, I missed that.
What would the fair be without all the fans. Just about every animal in the hog and cattle barns had its own fan.
These cattle had fans that were top of the line.
One of the improvements this year was the installation of overhead fans in the show arena.

The horse area is always busy. On Thursday night they were playing a game in which the riders were trying to keep a dollar bill between their leg and the horse.
Thursday night's free stage was Levi Riggs. His band, of course, was country.
On Saturday night the free stage was the Jhonny and Sallie Show, more country.
On Sunday the free stage was the New Vision Band, which was Christian country. They are a local group, with a mailing address in North Judson.
The last event I attended was the health fair on Friday morning.

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