Wednesday, July 18, 2012

More photos from the fair

There is always something happening at the fair. On Tuesday night the Retired Iron group had one of their tractor parades. Below you can see them lined up and ready to go.
 When you are fair royalty, not only do you get to eat fair food for free, but you get to ride in the parade.
 Another way to get a ride is to know someone who owns one of the tractors.
 The Historical Society Village was open on Tuesday night. I learned that the potbellied stove in the old Rosebud School house was from the railroad depot that once stood in Rensselaer.
 I have heard rumors that there are plans to put a new depot on the site of the old one, replacing the small AmShak that currently sits next to the platform.

The old Rosebud School closed in 1928 and then was used as a residence for a number if years. It never did get indoor plumbing, even as a residence.

The Historical Society was giving away pickles on a stick as a reminder that at one time Jasper County had a number of pickle factories along the rail lines. I do not think there is any remnant of them that still exists. (I also got some free ice cream from the Soil and Water Conservation building and free popcorn from the Trinity Methodist booth.)

Among the many fans at the fair, this one was special. It had a mister and the cool mist felt very refreshing on a hot evening. (Although the weather has not been ideal, it certainly is better this week than it was last week.)
 Every evening the grandstand has some event for those willing to pay the admission. Last night it was a motor-cross group that was flying high. You could see glimpses of them without being the in the stands.
 In addition, every evening sees some act or singer(s) on the free stage. Most of the singers are country western.
While the bikers were flying and the musicians were singing, the 4H kids were engaged in the battle of the barns.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the visit to the fair. No one melted this year, and it seemed like it might happen.


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