Monday, August 27, 2012

Coyotes or dogs?

A week ago a reader sent me an e-mail about something strange at Donaldson's. If I had read the e-mail earlier, I would have included a picture like the one below in one of last week's posts.

 My correspondent said there were three of these decoys or scare-dogs, but I only saw two. A person who lives nearby said they were quite effective in keeping the geese away for about two weeks, but now the geese are starting to figure out that they are not a real threat. (There is a pond to the left of the picture.)

I do not check my rensselaer adventure address every day. If you want me to respond quickly, send the e-mail, and then put a comment on any post telling me to check my e-mail. (I get notified in an e-mail account that I do read daily about all comments, and as blog administrator I can delete any that I want to delete. I would delete any of the read-your-email comments as soon as I read the e-mail.)
that I finally got around to reading

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