Saturday, August 11, 2012

Green returns, and so do mushrooms

These are not golf balls. They are mushrooms, something we have not seen much of this year. But the recent rains have brought them out.
As the result of the recent rains, I finally was able to pick enough green beans from my garden to actually serve as the vegetable for the meal. The plants were full grown weeks ago, but they would not set beans.

Someone I know had a conversation with a salesman from southern Indiana this week. He said that Rensselaer is the greenest place he has been to in Indiana. (Have you noticed how the grass has greened in the pasts few days and that people are mowing again?)

I have been wondering how the corn is doing. Some fields look terrible, but others look pretty good. I asked a farmer this week about the state of the crop and was told that they expected about 70% of last year's yield. What have you heard?

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