Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Historical news-updated

Earlier this year the area of the downtown around the Court House Square was designated a historic district by the National Register of Historic Places. A sign is now in place to proclaim that designation. I cannot find the district listed on the Interior Department's website, but it may eventually get there.
The main building in the district is the Jasper County Court House, which this morning was having new slate tiles placed on the roof.
While on the topic of historic news, the Jasper County Historical Museum has a number of old garments on display, including several WWI uniforms. Below is a pair of pants from WWI once worn by E. S. Swartz
There is also an army uniform from Edwin Rhoads.
And for those who want to make love not war, the museum has the bridal dress that Blanche White wore when she married Charles Halleck on June 15, 1927.
In other historic news, a small problem, about two inches of a problem, has delayed the laying of the I-beams on the old Bowstring Bridge. If you look carefully at the last picture in this post, you may be able to see the problem. The I-beams were not supposed to touch the bridge, but they did because not all the cross beams were the same height.

Update Wednesday, Aug 29

The Rensselaer Central High School Band performed at the Tuesday Nite Farmers' Market last night. I think it is the last of the entertainments for the Farmers' Markets. I had a prior engagement for the evening, so could not wait around and hear them play.
 Speaking of bands, South Newton High School has a new band director this year, a 2012 grad from SJC. The prior band director, who did a good job of rebuilding the band and often brought it to Rensselaer parades, has taken a job at a church in Georgia. He will be missed not only by the South Newton community, but by many people in Rensselaer. His move probably means that the Fendig Summer Theater will need a new director next summer, as his wife directed Suessical.

This morning I stopped by the Court House because I saw the workers sending slate tiles up to the roof. I talked to the worker on the ground, noting that I had never before seen a slate roof installed. He commented that I probably would never see another one. The roof is guaranteed for a hundred years, but should last longer than that.
 Below you can see the lift going up with a load of slate. There is a second lift that runs along the stairs--it the shiny metal thing. It is used when things need to be taken to the various levels.
Blackboards used to be made of slate, though I have not seen any lately. Maybe next year for one of Tuesday Nite Farmers' Markets the organizers can hire a crane, attach kids onto the wire, give them some chalk, and hoist them up to let the decorate the Court House Roof. Now that would be something.

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