Wednesday, August 22, 2012

More bridge news

I keep waiting for the pedestrian bridge to be lifted into place, but last night one of the guys who seems to be a supervisor told me that it has to have three coats of paint before it will be placed. The earliest it might be lifted into place is Friday, but next week is more likely.

 Today I noticed that the crane was lifting something so I took a closer look. The I-beams were being relocated, probably to be painted as well.
The old bowstring bridge, according to one of the workers, will provide no structural support for the walkway--it will be purely decorative. The support will come from the I-beams, which will have a wooded deck.

Yesterday I took another picture of work on the Court House roof and I liked it enough to want to publish it.
Sunday night I took another picture that included the Court House. Near sunset a rainbow was visible in the rain that had visited Rensselaer a few hours earlier. I had to alter the contrast to get the rainbow to be easily visible, which is why the colors are a bit strange.
Finally, last night at the Tuesday Nite Farmers' Market the Chamber of Commerce auctioned off rocking chairs in a promotion to raise some money. This year the chairs were all kid-sized chairs and in contrast to last year, when the various merchants customized the chairs with decoration that reflected their businesses, the decoration was mostly generic. I liked the idea of the businesses putting their logos on the chairs, but then I am not one of the people who wants to buy one. Perhaps they learned that a more generic look was better when selling them.

Summer is coming to an end. Local schools start next week, though all the sports teams are already competing. The new primary school has an open house tomorrow. The swimming pool will close Sunday, but reopen for Labor Day weekend. The recent cooler weather has cut attendance. Next week's Tuesday Nite Farmers' Market will be the last and will feature the Rensselaer High School Band. (Saturday morning Farmers' Markets will continue.) And have you noticed that the days are getting shorter? Pretty soon the farmers will be in the fields harvesting.

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