Friday, August 3, 2012

Sound of Music

The Carnegie Players' production of The Sound of Music had its first performance Thursday night with two more scheduled for tonight and Saturday night. The crowd on Thursday was quite large--the RCHS auditorium looked like it was about three-fourths full.
Even though there were a few technical glitches, which hopefully will be corrected for the next performances, I think this was one of the best of the 32 performances that the Carnegie Players have put on during their 19 years. There were four women who had large singing parts and all of them were very good. It is unusual to have that much musical depth in a community theater production.

Update: The lady who played Maria and who has a fantastic voice was sick during play week. On Thursday she so sick at one point that she could not go on stage and there was an unannounced intermission. The next scene was improvised, with the oldest daughter singing the parts that Maria was supposed to sing. Then she came back and finished up the play. She felt better on Friday, and still better on Saturday, but overall she performed so well that most people probably did not realize that how hard it must have been for her to perform. But the show must go on.

1 comment:

  1. There were a few hiccups on Thursday night that were corrected on Friday night. It is a great show, worthy of a sell-out tonight!


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