Friday, September 7, 2012

911 memorial dedication

The rain canceled the evening schedule for the Little Cousin Jasper Festival today (Friday), but it did not cancel the dedication ceremony for the 911 memorial that is now next to the fire station. A good sized crowd attended and listened to the fire chief, sheriff, former mayor, and mayor give short speeches. A trumpeter played the Star Spangled Banner and a couple of other patriotic favorites, and the St Augustine School choir sang. Then it was time for the unveiling.
The two girders in the monument are thought to have come from about the 90th floor of the second tower. The granite base is from a quarry in the area of where the plane crashed in Pennsylvania. The base has seven cubic yards of concrete. The project cost $20,000, which was raised from private sources.

After the unveiling, the members of the fire department posed for a picture.

1 comment:

  1. The group with the fine monument is quite outstanding. Nice to see, and sorry I missed the dedication.


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