Monday, September 24, 2012

First light frost

This morning I noticed that a few leaves of sweet potatoes and squash had suffered some frost damage. My guess is that it happened last night.
I drove to Indianapolis on Friday and was surprised that the leaves get more yellow and orange in them as you get further south. It is a result of the much drier summer that Indianapolis had. Most of the corn around Indianapolis is only about four feet tall.

Fall is a wonderful season, but the realization that winter is on the way kind of spoils it.

Update: A check of my garden plot that is outside of Rensselaer showed that the frost was much more severe in the country than it was inside of Rensselaer. There is a degree or two of difference in temperature between the country and the town, enough in this case to limit the damage of the frost.

1 comment:

  1. Harvest yields are a fraction of normal. The neighborhood maple trees started turning last weekend in Indy. Drove US40 from Terre Haute on Sunday. There's a lot of farmer stands with pumpkins but some have them delivered in boxes on pallets. I wonder where they came from?


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