Rensselaer Adventures

This blog reports events and interesting tidbits from Rensselaer, Indiana and the surrounding area.

Friday, September 14, 2012

La Fiesta Market 2

A new Mexican grocery has opened east of the I65 SR114 intersection, so I checked it out though my knowledge of grocery shopping is almost nil. The store is located in the old Pancake House building that more recently was a Mexican restaurant. It does not have its permanent signage yet.
There will be a restaurant as part of the business, but it is not ready to go yet.
There are bright piñatas hanging above the aisles of the grocery section. And of course it has old Mexican favorites like Kellogg's Corn Flakes and Frosted Flakes.
I am not sure what these round things were, but then again, my knowledge of food is quite limited.
I searched Tamarindo fruit on the Internet and found that it grows on a small tree that is native to Africa, but which is now mostly grown in Asia and the Americas. It is tropical
Having endured the pain of cactus spines, I find it difficult to imagine eating cactus. But the spines can be scraped off much like the scales of a fish. The lady at the counter said that the pads were used in salads.
There were a lot of dried peppers for sale.
Goya is a popular brand in Mexican cuisine.
The store has a meat counter, and I thought the large fish were intriguing.
The store was attractive and inviting but I rarely shop for food. I suspect any business I give them will be in the restaurant part of the establishment.

I forgot to ask them where Market 1 was. I suspect Lafayette because there is a La Fiesta Market in Lafayette that seems to be a combined grocery and restaurant.


Anonymous said...

Oh can't wait to go check it out. Are they gonna have tamales, carnitas and barbacoa on the weekends?

Old Hunter said...
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