Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Is there any month that you associate with autumn more than October? Early September can still be summer and late November is sometimes wintery, but October is pure autumn.

The leaves started turning only a week or ten days ago and already the trees are full of color. I am trying to appreciate the ash trees this year. There is small one in the picture below behind the angel. They are golden yellow and some are already losing their leaves. There may not be any of them around in ten years if the emerald ash borer hits our area hard. If you look around for that distinctive golden yellow this time of the year, you realize how many ash trees Rensselaer has.
This section of Weston Cemetery loses its leaves pretty early, and this picture was taken Monday morning. It will look different tomorrow.

I could not resist this picture of the soybean harvest with the water tower in the background. I use an image of that water tower as the Facebook identifier for Rensselaer Adventures. By the way, if you use Facebook, consider "liking" Rensselaer Adventures--I try to post a link to each of the posts.
When the combine reached the end of the row, it dumped its cargo into a semi. I wonder what the soybeans in a full semi are worth.
The activity at Austin Park continues. In the last two days the sod crew has been busy. If they have not completed laying sod, they are very close to being finished. Last weekend the whole area was just dirt.
This afternoon I caught their water truck wetting down the sod.
Notice all the leaves on the the day-old sod.

As the leaves have started to fall, the Halloween decorations have started sprouting all over town. Every year there seem to more of them. Other decorations that are sprouting up are the political yard signs. My favorite so far was a yard with an Obama and a Visclosky sign. Good luck trying to vote for Visclosky--maybe you can write him in.


  1. "I wonder what the soybeans in a full semi are worth."

    Answer: Roughly $14,000.
    80,000 pound gross vehicle weight limit of a semi-trailer (not sure if Indiana is allowed to bump that to 97,000 pounds)
    28,000 pounds of engine, trailer, etc.

    Net weight of soybeans: 52,000 pounds
    Weight per bushel: 60 pounds
    Bushels per 80k semi: 867
    Price per bushel: $16.38

    Based on USDA crop reports, a fully loaded semi of 867 bushels would take roughly 23.5 acres of Indiana farmland to harvest.


  2. That is great information. I did not know about soy been worth. Also, the photo at Weston Cemetery is lovely, as is the whole cemetery. Ron, Ron, and Jennie do a remarkable job at keeping the cemetery well groomed and loved.


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