Thursday, November 8, 2012

Construction update 11-08-2012

Several construction projects are busy trying to get as much work done before winter arrives. This week masons were finishing stone work on the new medical building near Rico's and the parking lot already had a layer of asphalt.
 A crane was lifting trusses for a new house next to Camp Kanne. It is surprising how quickly the trusses go up.
The building trades students were putting shingles on their house on Vine Street.

The roofing crew on the court house has moved to the last side of the building the side that faces northwest.
 Work on the pavers on the walkway leading to the bridge may be finished this week.
 There was a lot of activity at the construction site for Tractor Supply. In the few minutes I was there, four trucks arrived. Two had loads of sand, one had a load of concrete block, and one was a concrete truck, shown below.
 From the excavation, it appeared that there were layers of clay not too far beneath the surface at this site.

Similar activity is occurring behind the Methodist Church, which is putting in a parking lot.

Some of the activity that at first glance seems construction related is not. A crew was installing Christmas lights on one of the spruce trees on the court house square. Winter is on the way.


  1. Whatever happened to the Christmas lights that were on the courthouse. That the city paid a lot of money for. I think they were up holiday?

  2. The lights fell apart quickly. It was not a good purchase due to the quality of the lights. Yes, many of us miss the lights. The roof is a beauty, however.


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