Monday, November 12, 2012

Throwback weekend 11-12-2012

Yesterday was Veterans Day, a holiday that replaced Armistice Day. World War I, the war to end all wars, ended with an armistice called for the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918 and that is why we celebrate Veterans Day when we do. There was a short ceremony at Weston Cemetery on Saturday to commemorate the day, and Mayor Wood talked about the history of the day.
The last surviving veteran of WWI died earlier this year. She was 110 years old.

Another bit of the past was featured at the SJC Jazz Band Concert on Sunday. Most of the selections were Big Band tunes and there was a good turnout of Rensselaer residents. The turnout from the SJC community was notable by its sparseness.
 The music people at SJC have done an excellent job recruiting musical talent, and the music programs are very good for a small college. Upcoming musical performances can be found here. Unless they are part of some other event (such as a ball game), these events are free and open to the public.

Today I noticed a faded sign on the old Horton Building. Perhaps I have noticed this before, but I do not remember it. I cannot make it all out. There seems to be a top word that I can not read. then what appears to be JWHORTON Dentist. The next line seems to start with CROWN but I cannot make out the rest.
Can you make out more of the sign?


  1. below DENTIST reads crown&bridgework
    The bottom line reads either Set Our Prices or Get Our Prices.
    I can't read the very top line. I did some photo manipulation to make it more clear.

    In the process, I found this excellent resource you should take a look at:

    Page 14 specifically has some info for you on this topic.

  2. Wow! Mystery solved.


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