Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Construction update 12-18-2012

The biggest change I missed while I was on my snow bird adventure was the start of construction on the duplex at Clark and Vine. The walls are up, the roof is mostly on, and a new sidewalk has been poured.
 A bit to the north a building that had had an open end for weeks and that I thought was getting ready for demolition has a new front.
 And a bit to the south, there is work that probably is related to the 69K electrical line that has been installed from the Melville substation to the power plant.
 The court house roof is not quite finished, but trucks are taking away equipment and supplies from the construction compound where the old jail used to stand.
 The bright copper strips stand out. In a few years they will turn greenish and be much less noticeable.
 The Tractor Supply building is getting an entry-way roof, and the parking lot has a layer of asphalt.
The Louck medical building appears to be complete on the outside.

 I do not think I have a recent picture of the building trades house on Vine. It is almost complete on the outside and the students were busy on the inside.
It is good to be working inside. The weather forecast for Thursday is for falling temperatures and a taste of real winter.

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