Monday, February 25, 2013

Snow caves

When I saw this snow bank on Charles Street over the weekend, I could not help but think back to childhood. Some things do not change, like kids eagerness to build with snow.
We have so far escaped the big snows, which have gone to our north or south. The snow last week was only a couple of inches, but it was compacted so some of the snow piles in the parking lots are impressive.

I have only seen a couple snowmen this year and they were small. But we still have at least a month during which we can get a heavy snow.

Update: I forgot to mention that on Monday I saw my first flight of sandhill cranes this year. There were about fifty of them, and I would not have noticed them if they had not been noisy.


  1. Our sandhill cranes came in yesterday! Such a nice sign of spring.

  2. Yea about being children! We have not had the quantity of snow that makes snowmen easy.
    Glad to hear about the cranes. Just another grand reason to live in Jasper County.


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