Wednesday, March 6, 2013

In quest of snowmen

The five or six inches of heavy snow plus the temperatures today that were just at freezing plus the cancellation of classes in local schools made for a day that was ideal for making snowmen and other snow creations, so I set out to see what had been created. I found several, but not as many as I expected to find.
 The few kids that I saw outside were having fun. I saw two little boys in the south part of town struggling to lift a ball of snow onto a base and being quite proud of themselves when they accomplished the task.

I headed out to SJC to see if the college kids had done anything impressive. The best I could find was some trash-can art. Some students had used a trash can to mold cylinders of packed snow into a wall. I am not sure what it was that they were trying to create.
 I saw my first robins today--several in several different places. I also heard a large flock of red wing blackbirds. They have all gotten back just in time for the big snow. I wonder what they will find to eat.

A day or two ago I saw a flock of what looked like seagulls flying overhead.

A reader alerted me to a move north of a different kid. First Trust Credit Union, which is in the front of the bowling alley building, will be closing their Rensselaer office. I asked way and was told that they were not doing enough business to justify the office. I am sorry to see them go.

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