Thursday, May 30, 2013

Park happenings

Last night I noticed that the city pool was filled with water.
I also noticed some new deck furniture. These tables will hold umbrellas. The old umbrella tables have been tossed around over the years by the storms that have come through.
The city website says that the pool will open June 7.

While looking through minutes of park board meetings, I noticed that in the February 2013 meeting Boy Scout Troup 152 announced their availability to help reconstruct the canoe ramp at Bicentennial Park, and in the April 2013 meeting, it was announced that the Boy Scout Cabin would soon be torn down. I thought I should take a picture of the structure before it is gone.
 The door was open so I went inside.
Summer seems to have arrived at Brookside with the softball games. There are games pretty much every night.

The item on the canoe ramp reminds me that there is a proposal to build a new public access point on the Iroquois south of town, where the river approaches Mt Calvary Road. That is on SJC property. At best we might see it in 2014, but if it ever happens, 2015 is a better bet. There are lots of hoops to jump through.


  1. The old Boy Scout cabin is going to be destroyed? What a shame. I have many memories of weekly evening meetings in that cabin when I was a Boy Scout in the early to middle1950s when Ed Hudson was Scoutmaster and Bill Hudson his assistant.

    I remember when Max Henry went to the Nattional Scout Jamboree and got to see President Truman.

    And Herbie Arihood often got sick to his stomach during activities, like the Compass competition. I was in the "Silver Fox Patrol" and we were ALWAYS the winners and got to keep the Compass trophy in our corner (Northwest Corner) of the cabin.

    Oh well... there is always conflict between the Destroyers and the Preservationists.

    Thanks for the latest info regarding Rensselaer.

  2. Back in the day, I believe Cecil Hudson was also a scoutmaster of what was then Troop 52. Then Walt Teach was scoutmaster for many years, at least 25 if I recall correctly. The Rotary Club held a dinner for Walt in the 1980s, which was attended by many of his Eagle Scouts.

    There were four patrols, in each corner of the cabin: Silver Fox, Beaver, and Raccoon were three. I believe the fourth patrol was Flying Eagles, but don't hold me to that!

    I hope they preserve the remaining banners in the cabin.


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