Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Floor & walls

Riding past the high school today, I noticed the yellow caution tape and had to see what was going on. Two dumpsters were sitting on the north side of the high school and one was full.
 They contained the old floor of the gymnasium that had been damaged last year when the gym had a new roof installed.
I guess no one figured out a way to recycle the wood.

The door was open so I could peak inside. Looks a bit different, doesn't it?
Here is a closer look at part of the floor. I am not sure what the little metal tabs are for. 
 By this fall a new and very nice floor should be in place.

Meanwhile, south of town the walls are going up for the new Farm Credit building. The roofing trusses are on the site, so they will soon be put in place.

1 comment:

  1. I was impressed w/the well-digging truck set off the ground at the Parker-Hadley house this aft. At least it looked like that's what its job was. Your yahoo email didn't work for me; hence a non-related comment here.


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