Monday, July 29, 2013

Miscellany 7-29-2013

It was a slow weekend, at least for me. I did stop in eMbers on Sunday to see what the Birthday Party was like. The entertainer, J Jay Brook, was familiar to many of those attending because he has performed at the Jasper County Community Services functions.
 I was surprised to see live trees as part of the decoration. They were left over from the previous night's event.

Bub's BBQ across the street from eMbers has news--they now have a third location, Fair Oaks Farms. Quick growth.

A few weeks ago I noticed that a house was missing on the corner of Merritt and Milton. Today I saw guys digging for what appears to be a foundation for a new house on the lot.

Construction continues on both of the substations for the new 69K line. Shown below is work at the Melville substation from last week.
 The old Amtrak depot has departed--it was removed some time last week. Something is going up by the elevator on Vine Street to replace the building that was torn down recently.

Have you noticed that the days are getting shorter? Everyone has noticed that it has been unseasonally cool, and we have been very dry, missing rains that other parts of Indiana has gotten. The cool weather has cut attendance at the swimming pool. The water has gotten chilly, which encourages me to actually swim when I am there. The dry weather has finally dried up Lake Weston. I checked it this evening and could still see the tiny dead fish. A week or two ago there was still water there. The raccoons must have have had a feast as the fish were concentrated.
The cool weather is good for runners. The middle school cross country team runs in the evening from Brookside Park, and there are quite a few of them. This year the school is allowing sixth graders to compete in sports, a change from what was allowed for many years, when sixth graders were not allowed in sports.

I have been busy with a number of things that will not be of much interest to others, things like picking sweet corn and trying to figure out what to do with apples from a branch that broke off my apple tree. It looks like this will be a good fruit year.

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