Monday, July 15, 2013

Saturday at the Fair 2013

I was able to spend a couple hours at the Jasper County Fair on Saturday with some guests. We enjoyed seeing the animals.
 The girl washing the steer was not too much older than them.
 What well dressed sheep wear to the fair.
 A cow that even a city girl can lead.
 Fair food--a hot dog with LOTS of ketchup.
 The open class exhibits seemed to be fewer than when I entered some years ago. The lady who made this quilt also has some quilts in the exhibit at the Carnegie Center.
 These flowers made from duck and goose feathers mounted in a tree stump chewed by beavers won a reserve grand champion ribbon.
 Some eggs that I have admired before won both a grand champion ribbon and a best of show. This batch was all decorated since March.

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